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Writer's pictureTammy Polenz

Need money to grow? Use technology

PFP Magazine June 2013

You are a fitness entrepreneur. Maybe you have been running your own company for a few years now. It has been filled with lucrative periods, as well as fiscally deficient ones. You understand the current financial position of your company and have decided that it is time to better that position. How is this possible when cash flow may prevent you from accomplishing this feat?

Though social media and software are very necessary elements to both maintaining and growing your business, there are some uses for technology of which you may not be aware.

When we think about technology, what tends to come to mind are social media and member database platforms. Though social media and software are very necessary elements to both maintaining and growing your business, there are some uses for technology of which you may not be aware.

It does not matter if you are a personal trainer in need of a better ride to get from client A to client B's house, or a gym owner looking for new equipment or a...Full Article

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